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Thousands turn out for funeral of Portadown soldier

Thousands turn out for funeral of Portadown soldier

Thousands of people turned out to pay their last respects at the funeral in Portadown of Lieutenant Neal Turkington who was killed in Afghanistan.

The town came to a standstill as Lieutenant Turkingston’s flag-draped coffin was carried into St. Mark’s Parish Church by six members of the 1st. Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles.

Lt. Turkington, who was 26, died along with two colleagues from the regiment when a renegade Afghan soldier opened fire at a security base in Helmand province on July 13.

Speaking during the service, Bishop David Chillingworth said he had known Lt. Turkington.

The Bishop told mourners, “the depth of our sorrow is surpassed only by our pride. We have heard the tributes — a man who could be trusted and a leader who spread quiet confidence among his men”.

Lt. Turkington’s commanding officer, Major Andrew Todd, also paid tribute.

“He was a man with a deep sense of purpose to always do the right thing”, said Major Todd, who added: “His Gurkha soldiers loved him as did all those who ever had the privilege to serve at his side”.

View the Notice for Lt Neal Turkington.


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