Bernie McDonnell, late of Ballycastle, passed away peacefully on February 21. Dearly beloved wife of the late Alex (formerly of Armoy), much loved sister of Eilish, Brigid, Patricia and the late May, Dan, Brendan and Charlie, R.I.P., and a very dear aunt. Her remains will leave her home on Friday (February 24) at 9.30 a.m. for Requiem Mass at 10 o’clock in St. Patrick's and St. Brigid's Church, Ballycastle (for directions, see right). A private cremation will follow. Donations in lieu of flowers may be made (for details, see right). Lovingly remembered. St. Pio pray for her.
Donations in lieu of flowers, if desired, for Macmillan Cancer Support c/o D. J. M. Robinson & Son, Funeral Directors, 121 Culcrum Road, Cloughmills BT44 9DT.
Directions to St. Patrick's and St. Brigid's Church, Ballycastle, Moyle Road, Ballycastle BT54 6LI.
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