Carmel McCloskey (née Walsh), passed away on November 26. R.I.P. Beloved wife of Jackie, much loved mother of Valerie and David, devoted grandmother of Charlie and Evie, mother-in-law of Claire, sister of Valerie and Angela. Her remains will be reposing at Healy Brothers’ Chapel of Repose, Belfast (for directions, see right). The Funeral Service will take place on Thursday (November 29) at 2 p.m. at Roselawn Crematorium (for directions, see right). No flowers please. Donations in lieu of flowers have been requested (for details, see right). St. Martha pray for her.
Donations in lieu of flowers, if desired, for the MRI Scanner Appeal, Belfast Royal Hospital for Sick Children c/o Healy Brothers Funeral Directors, 56 Andersonstown Road, Belfast BT11 9AN.
Directions to Healy Brothers' Chapel of Repose, 56 Andersonstown Road, Belfast BT11 9AN.
Directions to Roselawn Crematorium, Ballygowan Road, Belfast BT5 7TZ.
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