Death Notice for Monica Fitzsimons

Monica Fitzsimons

Monica Fitzsimons


29 November, 2012

Monica Fitzsimons (née Colgan), late of Ardglass, passed away suddenly on November 29. R.I.P. Dearly beloved wife of Ronan, much loved mother of Roisin, Patricia and Eilish. The Funeral will leave her late residence on Sunday (December 2) at 10.45 a.m. for Mass at 11.30 a.m. in St. Nicolas’ Church, Ardglass (for directions, see right). Interment to follow in the adjoining cemetery. St. Monica pray for her.

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Heath Campbell wrote...

Dear Patricia and family. I am very sorry to read about your mother's passing. I remember the day I met her. I had come in from a fishing trip on a trawler arranged by your father. I must have been looking a little frail as she kept feeding me her stew. 4 servings in all. Fortunately it was tasty stew. Once again condolences my old friend. Best wishes Heath (bloody bloody) Campbell.


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