Valerie McDermott, late of Londonderry, passed away peacefully on April 8. Beloved daughter of the late Matilda and Sam, much loved sister of Pearl, Albert and the late Maisie, Sadie, Billy, Hilda, Pamela, Myra, Audrey, Iris, Yvonne and Kenneth, and a loving auntie. The Funeral Service will take place on Monday (April 11) at 1.30 p.m. in All Saints' Parish Church, Londonderry (for directions, see right). Burial to follow in Altnagelvin Cemetery, Londonderry (for directions, see right). Deeply regretted by her loving Family Circle. Sweet are the memories silently kept of a sister we loved and will never forget.
Directions to All Saints' Parish Church, Londonderry, Clooney Terrace, Londonderry BT47 6AP.
Directions to Altnagelvin Cemetery, Londonderry, Church Brae, Londonderry BT47 3QG.
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