Remember with Joy gives you the opportunity to write about your memories and reminiscences of your Loved One.
Let your memories flow from your heart. What are your memories of them? What is your favourite story about them? What will you miss about them?
There is so much you can include in this section.
My stay on earth is over. Jesus has called me home. Our Blessed Mother was there to meet me, no more on earth shall I roam. I am with the angles in paradise, where lasting happiness abides. I kiss the precious Golden Key which opens the Heaven's door to Eternity. My prayers will always be with you, to help you on life's journey. Just call on me when needing help; I'll give your plea to Jesus himself. Carmel & John. Maureen, Michael & Tara. Kathleen & Andrew. Tara & John.
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29 May, 2014
In 3 easy steps your notice will appear in the Remember with Joy section of this Death Notice.
There is a charge of £3.99.