Death Notice for Andrew Beattie

Andrew Beattie

Andrew Beattie


09 December, 2014

Andrew Barron Beattie, late of the Ballysillan Road area of Belfast, passed away on December 9. Dearly loved husband of the late Irene and loving father of Joan (husband John) and Karen (husband of John), grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The Funeral Service will take place on Friday (December 12) at 10 a.m. at Roselawn Crematorium (for directions, see right). Family flowers only please. Donations in lieu of flowers may be made (for details, see right). God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be, so He put His arms around you and whispered come to Me. With tearful eyes we watched you as you slowly slipped away and though we loved you dearly we could not make you stay. Your golden heart stopped beating, your tired hands put to rest, God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the best. Loved with a love beyond all telling, missed with a grief beyond all tears.


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