Annette Elmes (née McKevitt), late of Bangor, passed away peacefully on February 29, at Beaumont Hospital, Dublin. R.I.P. Devoted mother of Neil, beloved daughter of Patricia and Tony, and dearest sister of John. Her remains will leave her mother’s residence on Thursday (March 3) for Requiem Mass at 10.30 a.m. in St. Comgall's Church, Bangor (for directions, see right). Burial to follow in Clandeboye Cemetery, Bangor (for directions, see right). Deeply regretted by her sorrowing son, mother, father, brother, Beth and the entire Family Circle. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for her. All enquiries to Daniel Mallon Funeral Director, The Gatehouse, Mill Road, Bessbrook BT35 7DT. Telephone 0772 5030 068 or 028 3083 8477.
Directions to St. Comgall's Church, Bangor, Brunswick Road, Bangor BT20 3DS.
Directions to Clandeboye Cemetery, Bangor, Old Belfast Road, Bangor BT19 1RH.
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