Annie Ross, late of Dungannon, passed away on March 13. Dearly beloved wife of the late Frank and much loved mother of Margo (Thomas), Ann-Marie (Rooney), Kate (O’Neill), Francis, Briege (Martin), Evelyn (Mullan), John, Liam and Noreen (Mallon). The Funeral will leave her late residence on Sunday (March 15) at 11.45 a.m. for Mass at 12.30 p.m. in St. Patrick's Church, Dungannon (for directions, see right). Burial to follow in St. Malachy's Cemetery, Edendork (for directions, see right). Deeply regretted by her sorrowing sons, daughters, daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and entire Family Circle. On her soul Sweet Jesus have mercy.
Directions to St. Patrick's Church, Dungannon, Northland Row, Dungannon BT71 6AP.
Directions to St. Malachy's Cemetery, Edendork, Coalisland Road, Edendork BT71 4DP.
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