Brendan Lavery, late of Carryduff, passed away on June 7. Beloved husband of Shirley and loving father of Brenda, Martin, Kari, Barbara, Sharon and Janice. His remains will leave Ravenhill Funeral Home, Belfast (for directions, see right) on Tuesday (June 12) at 10.30 a.m. for a Service at 11 o’clock in Roselawn Crematorium (for directions, see right).
Directions to Ravenhill Funeral Home, 334 Ravenhill Road, Belfast BT6 8GL.
Directions to Roselawn Crematorium, Ballygowan Road, Belfast BT5 7TZ.
In 3 easy steps your notice will appear in the Related Notices section of this Death Notice.
There is a charge of £3.99.