Death Notice for Deirdre Hewitt

Deirdre Hewitt

Deirdre Hewitt


28 March, 2014

Deirdre Hewitt (née Lyttle), late of Portadown, passed away suddenly on March 28. Beloved wife of the late Nelson and dear mother of Victor, Barbara and Karen, and sister of Shelagh and the late Avril and Pat. A Service will take place on Monday (March 31) at 12 noon in Joseph Poots & Son's Funeral Home, Portadown (for directions, see right). Interment to follow in Kernan Cemetery, Portadown (for directions, see right). House private. Family flowers only please. Donations in lieu of flowers may be made (for details, see right). Lovingly remembered by her son, daughters, daughter-in-law Ann, sons-in-law Des and Michael, grandchildren Jason and Audrey, Laura and Ash, Adele, Kyra and Jodie, great-grandchildren Jessica, Ben and Jack, and the Family Circle. For God so loved the world that he gdave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. John Ch.3 v16.


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