Death Notice for Ellen Bruce

Ellen Bruce

Ellen Bruce


11 March, 2014

Ellen Bruce (née Griffiths), late of Portadown, passed away on March 11. Dearly loved wife of Stevie, beloved daughter of Patricia and John, and dear sister of Paul and Rodger. R.I.P. The Funeral will leave her parents’ residence on Friday (March 14) at 10.40 a.m. for Requiem Mass at 11 o’clock in The Church of St. John The Baptist, Drumcree (for directions, see right). Interment to follow in the adjoining cemetery. Donations in lieu of flowers may be made (for details, see right). Deeply regretted by her loving husband, mother, father, brothers, sisters-in-law Celia and Donna, nephew Jayden, uncles, aunts, cousins and Family Circle. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her soul.

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Cherie Williams wrote...

Dearest Stevie, Patricia, John, Roger, Paul and family My heartfelt condolences at the loss of Ellen our ray of sunshine. You brought so much joy to all around you. We will never be the same as you touched so many hearts around the world Forever we are bonded as soul sisters and I am so honoured to have known you. The thread of love will never be broken and one day my dear one we will meet again. Miss you beautiful Much love to all VALE ELLEN love Cherie


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