Felix Kelly, late of Coagh, passed away suddenly on September 16. Dearly beloved husband of the late Margaret, R.I.P., and much loved father of Patsy, Martina and Brendan. His remains will be removed from his home on Wednesday (September 19) for Requiem Mass at 11 a.m. in The Church of Our Lady Queen of Hope, Coagh (for directions, see right). Interment to follow in Drumullan Cemetery, Moneymore (for directions, see right). Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on his soul.
Directions to The Church of Our Lady Queen of Hope, Ballinderry Bridge Road, Coagh BT80 0EH.
Directions to Drummullan Cemetery, Conynham Street, Moneymore BT45 7NG.
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There is a charge of £3.99.