Gabriel Brown (née Coyle), late of the Willowfield area of Belfast, passed away on June 21. Beloved wife of the late Gerry and loving mother of Stephanie, Adrian and Declan. Her remains will leave O'Kane's Funeral Home, Belfast (for directions, see right) on Tuesday (June 23) at 6.30 p.m. to arrive at St. Anthony's Church, Willowfield (for directions, see right) for 7 p.m. Requiem Mass will be held on Wednesday (June 24) at 9.30 a.m. Interment to follow in Milltown Cemetery, Belfast (for directions, see right). Donations in lieu of flowers may be made (for details, see right). Deeply regretted by her loving children, son-in-law Desi, daughters-in-law Yvonne, Pauline and the late Tricia, beloved grandchildren Cathlene, Liam, Caitlin, Edelle and Callum, and great-grandson Raighain. Mother of Perpetual Help grant that we may ever invoke thy most powerful name, which is the safeguard of the living and the salvation of the dying. Thank you to all the doctors and nurses for the wonderful care of our dear mother in the Ulster Hospital over the last week.
Donations in lieu of flowers, if desired, to The Friends of Mullan Mews c/o O’Kanes Funeral Directors, 116-118 Donegall Street, Belfast BT1 2GX.
Directions to O'Kane's Funeral Home, Belfast, 116-118 Donegall Street, Belfast BT1 2GX.
Directions to St. Anthony's Church, Willowfield, Woodstock Road, Belfast BT6 9DP.
Directions to Milltown Cemetery, Belfast, 546 Falls Road, Belfast BT12 6EQ.
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