Death Notice for Joan Wilson

Joan Wilson

Joan Wilson


15 February, 2017

Joan Wilson, late of Newtownabbey, passed away on February 15. Beloved wife of the late Robert (Bobby), loving mother of Brenda (partner John), Keith (daughter-in-law Linda), Kim and Mark (daughter-in-law Angela), devoted grandmother of Kelly, Carolyn, Stuart, Dean, Lindsay, Maddison and Cerys, great-grandmother of Abbie, Lewis, Robbie, Jude, Jacob, Kyra and Eden. The Funeral Service will take place on Monday (February 20) at 1 p.m. in St. Comgall's Parish Church, Rathcoole (for directions, see right). Interment afterwards in Carnmoney Cemetery (for directions, see right). Deeply regretted by the Family Circle. The tears in our eyes we can wipe away but the pain in our hearts is here to stay, with an aching heart we whisper low, God bless you mum, we loved you so.


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