Death Notice for John Fleming

John Fleming

John Fleming


18 August, 2011

John Fleming, late of the Curragh Road area of Maghera, passed away on August 18. Loving husband of Mary, devoted father of Stephen, Don, Sinead, Maeve, Betty and the late Marian. His remains will be removed from his late residence on Saturday (August 20) at 9.30 a.m. for Requiem Mass at 10 o’clock in St. Patrick’s Church, Dungiven (see right). Interment to follow in the adjoining cemetery. Our Lady pray for him. House strictly private. Donations in lieu of flowers have been requested (see right).

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Betty Fleming wrote...

Daddy I miss you, I still cry each night because your seat is emty and I miss the sound if your voice home is not the same from you left us all the wee man still talks about you and misses his pops. Gillian also misses you and your beautiful way you were a gentleman. Love you forever look after Marion xxxx


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