Monica Lappin (née Maguire), late of the Cavehill Road area of Belfast, passed away peacefully on October 23. Devoted wife of the late Samuel (Sam), much loved mother of James, Katie, Al, Terry and Monica, a special grandmother to John, Jemma, James, Gareth, Matthew, Rhianna, Brice and Robert, and great-grandmother to Rory and Ethan. Her remains will leave her son Terry’s home on Wednesday (October 26) at 9.30 a.m. for Requiem Mass at 10 o’clock in St. Thérèse of Lisieux Church, Belfast (for directions, see right). Burial to follow in Roselawn Cemetery, Belfast (for directions, see right). Sadly missed by her loving sons, daughters and entire Family Circle. St. Joseph pray for her.
Directions to St. Thérèse of Lisieux Church, Belfast, Somerton Road, Belfast BT15 4DE.
Directions to Roselawn Cemetery, Ballygowan Road, Belfast BT5 7TZ
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