Death Notice for Most Rev Francis Gerard Brooks

Most Rev Francis Gerard Brooks

Most Rev Francis Gerard Brooks


04 September, 2010

Most Rev. Francis Gerard Brooks, retired Bishop of Dromore, late of Drumiller House, Jerrettspass, passed away on September 4. Brother of the late Sr. Brigitta OP and brother-in-law of the late Bernadette. Deeply regretted by his beloved brother Brian, his nieces and nephews, Moyagh, Anne, Jacqueline, Deirdre, Gerard, Aidan, Una and their spouses, his cousins, grandnephews, grandnieces, great-grandnephew, his entire family circle and Bishop McAreavey, the Priests, Religious and People of the Diocese of Dromore. His removes were removed from his home on Sunday (September 5) and received at the Cathedral of St. Patrick and St. Colman, Newry (see right) where it will lie in state until his Requiem Mass on Tuesday (September 7) at 12 noon. Interment to follow in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Newry. Requiescat in pace. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for him.


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