Rita Rodgers (née Tiernan), late of Newcastle, passed away on November 11. Dearly beloved wife of the late Pat and loving mother of Richard, Paul and Patricia, loving mother-in-law, and grandmother of Jana, Nadia, Jack, Megan, Michaela and Tom. R.I.P. Her remains will leave her late residence on Tuesday (November 12) at 5.45 p.m. to arrive at The Church of Our Lady of The Assumption (for directions, see right) at 6 p.m. The Funeral Mass will be held on Wednesday (November 13) at 10 a.m. Interment to follow in St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Bryansford (for directions, see right). Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her soul. Our Lady Queen of Knock pray for her.
Directions to The Church of Our Lady of The Assumption, Downs Road, Newcastle BT33 0AG.
Directions to St. Patrick's Cemetery, Bryansford, Ballyhafry Road, Bryansford BT33 0PS.
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