Robert Palmer, late of Cloughey, passed away peacefully on May 1. Loving husband of Mary, devoted father of Mark and Carina, dear father-in-law to Robert and much loved grandfather of Rachael, Jessica, Ethan and Cameron. The Funeral will leave his home on Wednesday (May 4) at 12.30 p.m. for a Service at 1 o’clock in Glastry Presbyterian Church (for directions, see right). Burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. Family flowers only please. Donations in lieu of flowers may be made (for details, see right). Sadly missed by his loving wife and Family. You have sailed your last rough passage, you are now in the Haven of Rest. Your are anchored forever to Jesus, safe and secure evermore.
Donations in lieu of flowers, if desired, payable to: The Fishermen’s Mission c/o John Smith Funeral Directors, 91a High Street, Portaferry BT22 1QU.
Directions to Glastry Presbyterian Church, Manse Road, Glastry BT22 1DR.
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