Roisen Larkin, late of Newry, passed away on January 27. Beloved daughter of the late Felix and Ellen Larkin, and dear sister of Felix, Terence, Mary, Eileen and the late Vera and Denis. Her remains will be reposing in McGennity’s Funeral Home, Newry (for directions, see right) on Tuesday (January 28) from 2 p.m. until 10 p.m. and on Wednesday (January 29) from 2 p.m. until removal at 5.40 p.m. to The Church of The Assumption, Drumalane (for directions, see right) to arrive at 6 p.m. approximately. Requiem Mass will be held on Thursday (January 30) at 12 noon. Interment to follow in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Newry (for directions, see right). Our Lady and St. Rita pray for her.
Directions to McGennity's Funeral Home, 18 Forkhill Road, Cloughoge, Newry BT35 8LZ.
Directions to The Church of The Assumption Church, Drumalane, Drumalane Road, Newry BT35 8AP.
Directions to St. Mary's Cemetery, Old Warrenpoint Road, Newry BT34 2PF.
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