Rose Farrell, late of Rostrevor, passed away on November 26. Beloved daughter of the late Thomas and Annie Farrell, and loving sister of Alice, Kay, Bronagh, Tessie, Arthur and the late Michael, Valentine, Lily and Minnie. R.I.P. Her remains will be removed from her late residence on Thursday (November 29) at 9.45 a.m. for Requiem Mass at 11 o’clock in St. Mary’s Star of the Sea Church, Rostrevor (for directions, see right). Interment to follow in Kilbroney Cemetery, Rostrevor (for directions, see right). St. Anthony pray for her.
Directions to St. Mary's Star of the Sea Church, Kilbroney Road, Rostrevor BT34 3BH.
Directions to Kilbroney Cemetery, Kilbroney Road, Rostrevor BT34 3BL.
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