Remember With Joy for Anthony Quinn

Remember with Joy gives you the opportunity to write about your memories and reminiscences of your Loved One.

Let your memories flow from your heart. What are your memories of them? What is your favourite story about them? What will you miss about them?

There is so much you can include in this section.

Your Messages

Fergal O'Doherty wrote...

Anthony and I played together on Clarendon Street. He lived up the street at 49-51 and I lived in 39. When we first met at the age of six, he had just arrived from London with a cockney accent. In only a few months he had a Derry accent like the rest of us. Anthony and I got up to all kinds of trouble and fun together. He was a great one for singing pop songs: I remember him singing "Puppet on a String" and the rest of our gang thrilled with him. Anthony was my first friend.

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