Remember With Joy for Helga Jamieson

Remember with Joy gives you the opportunity to write about your memories and reminiscences of your Loved One.

Let your memories flow from your heart. What are your memories of them? What is your favourite story about them? What will you miss about them?

There is so much you can include in this section.

Your Messages

John (Jay) wrote...

Thank you for the great times we had.You will always be in my heart,your the one i wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I love you deeply.We had such great fun together my Love xxxxxx

Donna & Gary wrote...

We thought of you with love today. But that is nothing new. We thought about you yesterday. And days before that too. We think of you in silence. We often speak your name. Now all we have is memories. And your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake. With which we'll never part. God has you in his keeping. We have you in our heart.

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and reminiscences of
your Loved One

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